SV’s experts to join SDG discussions at ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 (8 and 10 May 2017)

SV’s experts to join SDG discussions at  ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 (8 and 10 May 2017)

Concept Note | Programme | Side-events


Southern Voice’s experts have been invited to address a high-level audience at the ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 to be held at the UN Headquarters, New York.

Karin Fernando, Centre for Poverty Analysis – CEPA (Sri Lanka) will serve as a panelist in the second session captioned “Policy Integration Across Borders” (to be held on 8 May 2017, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm). Donald Mmari, Policy Research for Development – REPOA (Tanzania) will share African perspectives on poverty at the fifth session, titled “Eradicating poverty in Africa” (10 May 2017, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm). Andrea Ordóñez, Southern Voice’s Research and Partnerships Coordinator, will be moderating the seventh session, which will deliberate upon “A multi-stakeholder approach: Roles, responsibilities and results” (10 May 2017, 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm).

This year’s Integration Segment will explore the theme “Making eradication of poverty an integral objective of all policies: What will it take?”

The network’s researchers are also to participate in a series of public and closed-door meetings in New York, jointly organised by Southern Voice and the UN Foundation, which includes a side-event to the Integration Segment on 10 May, captioned Delivering the 2030 Agenda at the National Level: Early Experience Regarding Potential and Pitfalls (UN Headquarters, Conference Room 12) and a methodology workshop on the new initiative regarding Southern Voice’s Report on State of SDGs (by invitation only).


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