SV’s experts to join SDG discussions at ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 (8 and 10 May 2017)
Concept Note | Programme | Side-events
Southern Voice’s experts have been invited to address a high-level audience at the ECOSOC Integration Segment 2017 to be held at the UN Headquarters, New York.
Karin Fernando, Centre for Poverty Analysis – CEPA (Sri Lanka) will serve as a panelist in the second session captioned “Policy Integration Across Borders” (to be held on 8 May 2017, 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm). Donald Mmari, Policy Research for Development – REPOA (Tanzania) will share African perspectives on poverty at the fifth session, titled “Eradicating poverty in Africa” (10 May 2017, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm). Andrea Ordóñez, Southern Voice’s Research and Partnerships Coordinator, will be moderating the seventh session, which will deliberate upon “A multi-stakeholder approach: Roles, responsibilities and results” (10 May 2017, 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm).
This year’s Integration Segment will explore the theme “Making eradication of poverty an integral objective of all policies: What will it take?”
The network’s researchers are also to participate in a series of public and closed-door meetings in New York, jointly organised by Southern Voice and the UN Foundation, which includes a side-event to the Integration Segment on 10 May, captioned Delivering the 2030 Agenda at the National Level: Early Experience Regarding Potential and Pitfalls (UN Headquarters, Conference Room 12) and a methodology workshop on the new initiative regarding Southern Voice’s Report on State of SDGs (by invitation only).
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