Tag "quality education"

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Educational Performance in Nigeria

Six research projects were chosen for the first “Southern Voice on the State of the Sustainable Development Goals” (SVSS) report. Today we present the proposed research by the Centre for the Study of

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Poor education and precarious jobs in Peru

Six research projects were chosen for the first “Southern Voice on the State of the Sustainable Development Goals” (SVSS) report. Today we present the proposed research by GRADE Peru (Group for the

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Navigating Through Life: Young Lives Study Peru

by Vanessa Rojas The qualitative approach of the Young Lives study in Peru has been able to capture the changes in the biographies of 51 children. Their voices allow us

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Achieving quality education for all in Nigeria

By Onome Oraka, Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) Quality education is a crucial tool for improving the prospects of higher income levels for individuals, and