Making Every Life Count: A Dialogue on Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level
Making Every Life Count:
A Dialogue on Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level
Seven country studies presented by leading national researchers
Friday, July 8, 2016
9:00am – 3:00 pm
Ford Foundation
320 E 43rd Street, 11th floor
(Between 1st and 2nd Ave.)
New York, NY
Event Details
This half-day dialogue will focus on the challenges and opportunities related to data for the SDGs. We will launch the summary report of the Post-2015 Data Test, a research project undertaken to assess the availability and quality of data to measure progress against the Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh, Canada, Peru, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Turkey. The project was undertaken by the Centre for Policy Dialogue and the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, in association with Southern Voice. The dialogue will use the project findings as a jumping off point for discussion around topics such as the political economy of the data revolution, and opportunities to invest in data.
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