Southern Voice organizes meetings in New York for shaping the post-2015 development agenda from LDCs perspective

June 24-25, 2013 at UN Foundation

The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), LDC IV Monitor, Southern Voice on Post-MDGs, and United Nations Foundation (UNF) will hold a two-day meeting to bring together experts and thought leaders from the global South to discuss the post-2015 and SDGs agenda.  By mid-June, several reports on the Post-2015 Development Agenda will have been released, including the High Level Panel on Post-2015, the UNDG consultations, the Regional Commissions, and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the SDGs Open Working Group will have begun its work. This is an opportune moment to gather experts and diplomats to hear observations from global South thought leaders on how ideas presented thus far will affect their countries. These thought leaders can provide local perspectives, independent analyses, and evidence on goal-making and implementation to inform the ongoing discussion.  The organizers are aiming to collaboratively explore opportunities & challenges to implementing global goals that address both the existing and emerging issues identifiable in LDCs, yet relevant to all countries and fundamental to the post-2015 and SDG discussions. In addition, they aim to provide expert views and research from the global South to inform the post-2015 and SDGs dialogue.

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