SV Prepares Country Level Data Action Plan
With the successful completion of the multi-country project Post-2015 Data Test: Unpacking the Data Revolution at the Country Level, the Southern Voice has initiated the Follow-up studies on Post-2015 Data Test. Through these studies the Southern Voice envisages to follow-up the conclusions and recommendations of Post-2015 Data Test project by developing country level action plans for addressing the capacity gaps and data deficits in the context of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Data Action Plans will be developed for Bangladesh, Tanzania and Senegal by the Southern Voice partner institutions, viz. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Policy Research for Development, REPOA, and Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR) respectively.
The outputs of the project will be available in December, 2015. For further queries, please contact <>.
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